Accuracy. Integrity.
Personal Service.
Service you can trust
and privacy you can depend on.
If you need tax services, please call. It would be our pleasure to apply our experience to your specific situation. At CAJ Tax Solutions, we specialize in tax, accounting and consulting services for individuals, small businesses, startups and non-profits.
Located in New York City and Chicago area
CAJ Tax Solutions is licensed to represent you or your business before the Internal Revenue Service and tax agencies of various states. We can meet with you in person wherever it is convenient, or handle your tax matters remotely. With clients throughout the United States, Europe, India and the Middle East, we can work with you no matter where you are located.
Chris A. Johnson JD, MS, EA
Chris is an Enrolled Agent licensed by the United States Internal Revenue Service. In addition to working at a Big Four accounting firm, he has worked as an attorney at the Internal Revenue Service and the New Jersey Tax Court.
Chris Johnson holds a Bachelor of Science from Cornell University as well as a Doctor of Jurisprudence and Master of Science in Accounting from Catholic University.